These calming glitter sensory bottles are one of my favorite DIY toys. Kids of any age love them (including this big kid!) and they are perfect for babies too! Relatively inexpensive to make (free if you use recycled water bottle) and lasts a long time. I was inspired by the lovely Olivia to make this kid friendly DIY.

Side note, I literally shot that first scene by gliding a toy car with a tripod wrapped around it really slowly. The things that happen behind the scenes are no joke!


  1. Recycled plastic bottles

  2. Clear glue

  3. Food Coloring

  4. Glitter

  5. Hot water

  6. Hot Glue


  1. Fill the bottle 1/3 of the way with glue

  2. Add a few drops of food coloring, glitter, and hot water.

  3. Close the bottle and shake well.

  4. Once it has reached the color and amount of glitter you want, use the hot glue gun to glue the cap on. Important step to avoid leaks or accidents.

Tip: If you want to skip a few ingredients, you could also just use color glitter glue instead of the clear glue, food coloring and glitter.