Kids and playdough go together pretty much like peanut butter and jelly! Little hands love to squish and mold the clay-like substance, and parents love it because there are SO many benefits of playing with playdough. Whether creating miniature masterpieces or enjoying sensory play as a whole, playdough should definitely be a childhood staple.

But . . . I’d be lying if I didn’t say there was a downside. And, we all know it! Every parent knows that along with the fun comes the potential for mess (and sometimes these are BIG messes). And, having 3 girls myself, I am all too aware of how easily playdough can get stuck in hair.

If you’ve been traumatized by pulling itty bitty pieces of playdough out of your thrashing toddler’s hair, I’ve got you today. My post today is dedicated to some helpful ways to get playdough out of hair and save you HOURS of tears and disaster. Let’s dive in, untangle the mess, and keep the joy of playdough untarnished!

How To Get Playdough out of Hair

Remove excess playdough and comb out.

When you find playdough entangled in your little one’s hair, getting it out ASAP is the key. We don’t want it to dry on! Just carefully remove as much as you can with your fingers. You can gently pull apart the strands, working from the outer edges to the center.

If the playdough is still hanging on, gently use a fine-toothed comb to gradually loosen the dough as you comb through. This will either work completely or give you a good head start as you work through the methods below.

Use baby oil or conditioner.

A lubricating agent like baby oil or conditioner can help unstick the playdough from the hair. It makes the removal process SO much easier. Just grab a generous amount of oil or conditioner, apply it to the hair, and gently work the substance through the hair with your fingers or a fine-toothed comb.

Once the playdough is out, rinse your kid's hair with warm water to make sure the hair is clean and ready to brush!

Use an ice pack.

This one definitely sounds odd at first, but it is the holy grail of playdough-in-hair-hacks! Place an ice pack or bag of ice on the affected area. Allow enough time for the playdough to freeze. Once it becomes brittle, carefully break it off. 

You can then use your fingers or a fine-toothed comb to remove the smaller bits. 

Spray on some detangler.

Detangling sprays are designed to help when you find yourself in messy situations, including playdough in hair. Apply a detangling solution to the hair with playdough in it. Let it sit for a little bit to allow the playdough to loosen. 

You can also use a comb to get the smaller bits out. The detangler makes hair slippery and less prone to breakage and makes playdough removal easy peasy!

Opt for a vinegar solution.

Mix equal parts white vinegar with water. Spray it onto the affected hair and let it soak for a few minutes. Then, gently comb through the hair with your fingers or a fine-toothed comb to remove the softened playdough. 

Make sure you rinse the hair thoroughly with warm water afterward. 

Don’t panic, you can get playdough out of your kid’s hair!

If your kid loves playdough, you need to keep these hacks in your back pocket. Honestly, if you’re diving into regular sensory play, you’re going to need even more helpful cleaning tips. You can find those here on the blog and watch my whole series of stain-fighting adventures on Instagram!

Sensory play is super important for the developmental health of any child. So, it’s really worth the mess, I promise! For all the best sensory activities (including how to make your own playdough), download the Mothercould In Your Pocket Resource

Happy playing!

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