How to String Cranberries

During the holidays, we can get really caught up in consumerism: buying all the expensive gifts, the latest decor, and the trendiest outfits. We forget that the holidays are all about family, gratitude, and deeper connection. 

So many early Christmas traditions focused on relationships and memory-making. However, in all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we don’t make time for a lot of these timeless activities!

One tradition we’ve recently brought into our home is making our own garland. Not only is it a fun, sensory experience, but the finished product is actually beautiful. It sets the perfect atmosphere for the holiday season!

This tradition goes all the way back to the 1840s in America. People would often use not only cranberries, but nuts, candies, and other fruits too! In modern America, we probably don’t need to make DIY cranberry garland to create Christmas spirit, but there are still lots of reasons to do it! 

As I said, I love the way it looks on Christmas trees, but the act of beading and creating patterns is a fantastic way to spend time as a family and enjoy the final product all festive season long. Not to mention, it also promotes development of kids’ cognitive skills and fine motor skills. Sensory play is always beneficial! 

If you want to create a garland with your children this year, here’s how you can do it:

How to String Cranberries DIY



*I use embroidery needles because they’re dull and safer for little ones. However, pinecones and popcorn may need sharper needles. 

how to make cranberry garland

How To Make Cranberry Garland

  1. Pour your “beads” (cranberries, popcorn, dried orange slices, etc.) into individual bowls (or put them into your DIY sensory bin.) 

  2. Remove any soft cranberries or other undesirable material from your bowls. 

  3. Thread your embroidery needle and knot it. 

  4. Bead cranberries or other beads on your thread one at a time. 

  5. Every 10-20 cranberries, tie a knot.

  6. Continue until the garland is the desired length, then knot the end. (This should be a sizable knot to keep everything on!) 

tips for making cranberry Christmas garland

Tips for Making Cranberry Christmas Garland

  • Knotting is a good idea because if your children drop their threads or break them, the entire string of garland doesn’t fall apart. 

  • You can really use any kind of dried fruit to make your garland. If you want to dry your own fruit, use a dehydrator or oven. 

  • Encourage your children to make patterns with the various types of beads! 

  • Make faux frost for your cranberry garland using sugar and white Elmer’s glue. Just dip the “beads” in glue, then into the sugar, and let it dry on a paper towel before beading.  

  • Think beyond the tree! If your family really loves this, you can string garland all over the house. And, who says it just has to be for Christmas? Make summer and spring garlands from seasonal dried fruit too! 

Creating garland is a great way to bond with your children and celebrate upcoming holidays, all while developing their sensory skills. 

Cranberry garland is a classic holiday tradition that more families should try this year! You’ll make great memories and foster developmental growth while your child looks at their creation with pride! 

For more beneficial arts & crafts to bring the family together, visit the Mouthercould blog and download Mothercould in Your Pocket! They’re full of sensory activities, crafts, parenting hacks, quick meals, and more!

You can also follow me on Instagram, YouTube, Amazon, and LTK! Let Mothercould be your #1 resource for fantastic, fun, and fruitful activities to do with your whole crew!

Happy holidays!