Does mixing play dough colors make you cringe? If you’ve known me for a while, you know my love for play dough runs very deep, and obviously my love for rainbows too. So now imagine homemade play dough + rainbows! I’m screaming with excitement! (On the inside) Won’t let it out because people will actually think I’m insane. I personally think it’s insanity if you aren’t obsessed with rainbow play dough after watching this, but that’s just me, and I might just be a bit biased about rainbows and play dough!

You may find the step-by-step video and recipe on how to make homemade play dough here! It is hands down my favorite play dough recipe to make. I’ve done homemade play dough so many times I can for sure tell you I have perfected it! If you don’t trust me, try it! It’s the best way to make play dough at home!

Once you have done all your different colored play dough, you can make rainbow play dough! And here’s how.


  1. Play dough DIY in all the rainbow colors

  2. Rolling pin


  1. If you use my play dough recipe, split each color in half. Use half of each color to make one set of rainbow play dough.

  2. Roll each color of play dough flat. About 1/8 of an inch thin.

  3. Layer the colors together. Use the rolling pin to press the colors together, spreading the stack of play dough even thinner.

  4. Roll the play rough.

  5. Cut into pieces and have fun!

How Long Does Homemade Playdough Last?

As a warm and friendly guide, let me spill the beans on how long this magical dough lasts. Now, my dear, if you've added a touch of food coloring to your homemade playdough masterpiece, fear not! With proper care and a cozy container, your colorful creation can last up to a whopping three months! Yes, you heard that right. And what’s the secret ingredient that keeps it fresh for so long? Ah, it's the glorious cream of tartar! This magical potion not only adds smoothness and pliability to the dough, but also helps extend its lifespan. So, my creative companion, gather your little ones, put on your colorful aprons, and let the playdough adventures begin!