I made this color sorting game for the first time a few years ago, and it is still going strong! Love that you can play with the same sensory bag over and over again without having to make a new one every time. Besides, it’s suitable for kids of all ages so they don’t outgrow it or can play together with their siblings. If you prefer adjusting it to make it more age appropriate, just add less colors for the little ones. I made this one with colored beads, but pom poms work really well too!


  1. Plastic, gallon size freezer bag

  2. Colored permanent markers

  3. Hair Gel

  4. Colored beads

  5. Durable Tape


  1. Using permanent markers make circles that match the colors of the beads.

  2. Fill the bag with hair gel and the colored beads.

  3. Seal the bad and tape it shut. Tape it to the table as well.

  4. Ask your little ones to sort the beads into the right colored circle.

This at home sensory activity is great for toddlers to practice their motor skills and sorting/matching skills. You can change it up by making different shapes and asking them to sort the beads into a specific shape to practice these.

An important tip: Make sure to use freezer strength bags and strong tape for these to avoid any leaks. Believe me, you don’t want the gel leaking everywhere. Also, permanent marker might eventually fade, instead you can substitute for nail polish for longer lasting circles or flip the bags over and draw them on the backside so that their little fingers can’t fade them quicker. Since the bag and the gel are both clear, you will still be able to see the colored circles and be able to sort the beads well.

Would you try this at home activity for your little ones?