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If you do not have food coloring at home or you prefer natural dyes, this homemade play dough recipe is for you!

Holy moly does this one smell good! Let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way, they aren’t very bright. But, I promise the yummy smell makes up for it! And, I think I could have gotten away with saying that the recipe made pastel colors on purpose, because look at how beautiful those colors came out! So calming and nice to play with.

To make this play dough recipe at home you will need the following,


  1. 1 cup flour

  2. 1/2 cup salt

  3. 2tbsp cream of tartar

  4. 1tbsp oil

  5. 1 cup boiling water

  6. Tea bags (choose ones that make vibrant colors)


  1. Add the flour, salt and cream of tartar to a bowl and mix well.

  2. Add the tea bags to the boiling water and let sit until you reach your desired color.

  3. The more tea bags you add, the deeper the color will be.

  4. Add the oil to the mixture. Don’t mix yet.

  5. Pour the colored water on top and mix well. Mend with your hands once the play dough is cool enough to touch.

Tip: If your play dough is too watery after mixing well, add a little more flour. A little at a time to avoid making it too hard. To store, wrap it in plastic wrapping paper tightly, and place in an air tight container. Store at room temperature.

Also, remember to add the boiling water when its hot to make sure the mixture is taste safe. The boiling water kills any bacteria that may be present in the raw flour. For this same reason, if making the recipe with your little ones, make sure this step is done by an adult to avoid any burns.