a boy is holding a box of toys

Children are a true gift. However, over the years, children also acquire a lot of gifts—AKA toys. Before you know it, a few birthdays and Christmases have passed, your playroom is a disaster, and the rest of your house is overrun by the excess. 

Donating toys is a great way to get control of the mess and teach your children about compassion, letting go, and giving to others. This is why making a donation pile is one of my first steps in cleaning up spaces in my YouTube series: The Messy Playroom Makeover

It’s normal for kids to outgrow and lose interest in toys. Though it can be frustrating, it creates a great opportunity to give back. Your child can experience the joy of giving by helping you donate used toys to charitable causes. 

But, where do you donate them? I’ve compiled a list of the best places to donate children’s toys when you’re ready to clean sweep! Here’s where you can go:

where to donate children’s toys

Where To Donate Children's Toys


This organization accepts toys and basically any other item you have lying around the house that are in good condtion.

The toys and items don’t directly go to those in need, but instead are sold at Goodwill locations. However, Goodwill does provide employment to people with disabilities and the lower cost goods do allow lower income community members to get quality items for an affordable price. 

Toys can be dropped off at designated drop-off locations or, in some places, you can schedule pick-ups if you have larger items to be taken to Goodwill. Just make sure the toys are clean, safe and functional, and adhere to Goodwill’s specific requirements for your area. Acceptable donations do vary a bit by location!

Check out the official website to find donation centers and local chapters where you can make a difference!

The Salvation Army

We all probably know The Salvation Army from the holiday season—red kettle bell ringers and angel trees are everywhere! However, they actually help the community all year round! 

You’ll find The Salvation Army accepting donations of fully functional, gently used stuffed animals, toys, and other items pretty regularly. These toys are then given to families in need around the holidays or birthdays! They also have thrift stores similar to Goodwill, so no matter what, you know your donation is going to a good cause. 

Contact your local Salvation Army chapter for information on drop-off. They may have an upcoming toy drive or special event going on! If not, you can always take it to one of their store locations. 

Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots has a HUGE focus on collecting new and unwrapped toys for kids in need during the holiday season. This service is available for children up to 12 years of age. 

You can donate the toys to local drop-off locations or contribute online via the virtual donation process, but, again, the toys need to be brand new! So, this would only be a good donation option if you have unused toys in your home. 

Another idea would be to have your kids shop for Toys for Tots or host a toy drive instead of receiving Christmas or birthday gifts. They can still get the thrill of shopping and giving, but without the extra clutter. 

Local Shelters, Social Services, and Family Service Agencies

Local shelters and family service agencies accept donations of gently used toys that go directly to families in need or kids in foster care/kinship care in your community. They’ll probably accept items at any time since there are always families who need support. 

You’ll need to contact these organizations, shelters, and agencies directly to find details about the donation process, because they’ll vary a lot between agencies and cities! Nearly all of them have opportunities to donate both used and gently used toys, clothing, and other items! 

Operation Homefront

Operation Homefront is a fabulous non-profit organization that supports military families. They often run programs to assist the children of service members. If you’re thinking of donating some toys, Operation Homefront can help you make a big impact!

They mostly accept new, unwrapped toys for a variety of age groups. You can offer monetary donations or take part in the virtual toy drives. Keep an eye on the latest events organized by Operation Homefront to see where you can drop off your donations. 

Children’s Hospitals and Pediatric Clinics

Many children’s hospitals and pediatric clinics will happily welcome toy donations. These donations help to give comfort and entertainment to young patients, especially those who are spending the most exciting time of year in the hospital. 

Before you donate, make sure you contact the specific clinic or hospital directly to see what they’re looking for. They don’t have space to store much, so they may be stricter on what they’ll accept!

Ensure that all toys are safe, new, and suitable for a hospital environment. You will be able to coordinate the drop-off details directly with the clinic. This is an amazing way to contribute to the well-being of young patients.  


Schools and Daycare Centers

Schools and daycare centers will sometimes take gifts for kids in their body that are in need. They’ll also sometimes accept toy donations for recreational and educational purposes. 

Contact the school or center first and get an idea of what they’re looking for and ask about the donation process. Then, you can coordinate drop-off and deliver your items! You’ll be supporting your local school district and low-income families! 

Community Centers and Libraries

Community centers and libraries will often host programs or events for children and welcome gently used and new toy donations for various organizations. Contact them for upcoming events and opportunities—and don’t forget to ask about requirements! 

This is a great way to connect with families in your area and contribute to the enrichment of community programs. These organizations benefit families every day, so they’re great ones to support!  

Police and Fire Departments

Local police and fire departments regularly engage with the community to support the less fortunate. They may even welcome toy donations to bring smiles to kids during challenging times. New and unwrapped toys are usually preferred, but there may be opportunities to give gently used items too! 

You can collaborate with the individual department to drop off your items or have them picked up. Your contribution can help bring a lot of joy and harbor positive connections between first responders and families, which is a huge plus!  

donating kids toys

Donating toys reduces clutter and teaches your kids strong values! 

There are lots of reasons to donate toys! I love going more minimal to better organize and manage your home and playroom, but I also love the values it instills in our kids. It shows them how powerful a giving spirit can be and teaches them how they can live more with less. 

If you’re wondering, “What in the world will my kid do all day without all the stuff?” head over to the Mothercould blog and download the Mothercould in Your Pocket resource. They’re full of DIY sensory activities and recycled play ideas that’ll keep your children entertained for hours and promote their development. All without more toys!

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