So you mean to tell me that we have been turning purple blowing up balloons, when our kids could have done this instead while having fun and learning science? Yup, that is exactly what I thought when I made this at home science experiments for my girls. However, I must then admit I googled “blowing up balloons with backing soda and vinegar” and realized a little late that I had not indeed invented this, it was actually everywhere!! Had you seen this experiment been done before? I had not, and I was blown away (pun intended!) You see I can be pretty clever with words too!

All kidding aside, this is a great activity for kids. I love learning through play, and this is one cool science experiment that will surprise your little ones and make them curious for science. Best thing is, most materials can already be found at home, follow the instructions below to make your very own science balloon blow up station at home!


  1. Recycled plastic water bottle

  2. Funnel

  3. Balloon

  4. Baking Soda

  5. Vinegar


  1. Add a bit of baking soda to the balloon using the funnel. If you do not have a funnel around, use the empty water bottle. Add the baking soda to the empty bottle, and use the opening to fill in the balloon. make sure no baking soda is left to proceed to the second step.

  2. Twist the opening of the balloon without tying it.

  3. Add about 2-3 inches of vinegar to the water bottle

  4. Carefully, wrap the tip of the balloon onto the bottle head without tipping the baking soda in.

  5. Have your child left the balloon letting the baking soda drop.

  6. Watch as the balloon inflates! And look at their faces light up with excitement!

This experiment does not last as long as I would’ve wanted it too, however their reaction makes it worth while. Use the activity as an opportunity to talk about science to your older toddlers! Let me know if you would try this experiment at home with your little ones!