Since we live in South Florida, we go to the beach (probably not as often as we should) and by now Nicky understands that fish and other sea-life live in the ocean. The last few times we went she's asked me where the fish were, of course in her own words (she says fish and puts her hands up like where are they hehe). I tried to explain that they were deeper in the ocean but she just didn't understand and was getting frustrated. I did this fun activity to show her that the fish are in the ocean but you have to look deeper to find them,  you cant see them from the surface. She really enjoyed this and seemed to understand the concept, although I'll never really know. 


  • Towel

  • Large clear bowl

  • Baby shampoo

  • Food coloring

  • Water

  • Hand whisk


STEP 1: Lay down towel. Add 1/4 cup of baby shampoo, 1/2 cup of water and a few drops of food coloring to the bowl. 


STEP 2: Whisk all the items together using the hand whisk. Mix quickly until foam starts to appear.


STEP 3: Add more water (until the bowl is almost filled)

STEP 4: Add in fish toys.

STEP 5: Have the child look underneath the foam to see the sea-life. Move the animals around using the whisk as if they were swimming in the ocean. 


Nicky realized she couldn't see the animals through the top foam so she found that by laying down she could see them from the side. She laid and watched the "fish swim by" for a little while. It really seemed to resignate with her. Give it a try!