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This fun activity is perfect for kids of all ages. It’s a twist on the classic backing soda and vinegar experiment, with a few extra materials that you probably already have on hand. These blocks are the gift that keeps on giving. You can spend a good 15 minutes getting one block to fizz over and over and over again. Obviously the fact that they are taste safe makes me even more excited because it makes it safe for younger ones to be able to play with them even if they accidentally bring them to their mouths (like they do everything!)

The combination of fizzy fun and taste safe makes it a great at home activity for kids of all ages! Plus, you can make a bunch of them at one time and then pull a few out of the freezer whenever you need a fun way to entertain your kids. Watch as their little faces light up with excitement when the blocks start fizzling!

Fizzy Ice Cubes Materials:

  1. 1 cup of baking soda

  2. 1 tsp clear gelatin

  3. 1/4 cup of water

  4. Food coloring

  5. Ice Cube Tray

  6. Vinegar

How To Make Fizzy Ice Cubes:

  1. Mix together the baking soda and gelatin.

  2. On a separate bowl, add a few drops of food coloring to the water and pour colored water into the baking soda mixture.

  3. Separate the mixture evenly into the ice cube tray

  4. Freeze overnight

  5. Remove cubes from the tray and pour some vinegar on top and watch as they fizz!

Tip: You can ask your toddlers to use a dropper for fine motor skill practice as they pour vinegar on the blocks. You can also encourage them to mix different colors together to see what colors they can create.

For more kid-friendly baking soda and vinegar experiments, check out my Tubes of Emotion Activity and my post on how to blow up a balloon without blowing!