I personally have an obsession with rice crispy treats. Me, not my kids, me! I use my little ones as an excuse to make them and eat them myself. So much so, that if I have a rice crispy treat, I will wait to eat it when my kids are not around! I mean, you understand right? Nothing is really ours anymore, but, if they do not see it, then it does not exist!

The only problem is… have you read the ingredients of a rice crispy treat? I did… and was a little worried, so I decided to try this healthier recipe alternative instead. This recipe actually helps me not feel so bad about my obsession with rice crispy treats AND it makes enough to go around for ALL of us, so I don’t have to hide! Since I can share, this kid friendly recipe makes for a great snack recipe for kids!


  1. 2 tbsp Coconut Oil

  2. 4 cups compressed marshmallows (I buy non dairy ones)

  3. 5 cups whole wheat rice cereal


  1. Heat a large non stick pan and add the coconut oil.

  2. Once the oil is fully melted, add the marshmallows. Move around until fully combined and melted.

  3. Add the rice cereal. Mix well.

  4. Cover a tray with parchment paper and transfer the mixture in.

  5. Compress the rice crispy using a flat hard surface (I used the back of a measuring cup)

  6. Refrigerate for 2 to 4 hours.

  7. Remove the parchment paper and cut into squares.

Tip: Store in a zip lock bag or air tight container at room temperature.

Hope you try this recipe at home and let me know what you think!